How much would the game changed if there's a farmable version of all resources?

Food could be Farmable from Farms.

But what if Wood, Gold, and Stone could have a Farm-like Building?

Wood can be Farmable from a Garden for Example, which cost around 100 food to be build, but gathers wood slowly, only 1 Gatherer, available in Feudal Age, and the gather rate could be upgraded by the normal lumber camp upgrades. the Resources for Each garden could be around 200 Wood each garden, technically this could allow Civs to sustain themself when there's no more wood left, like in Islands, but they will need spaces if they want to mass produce wood for the Ships.

Gold and Stone could be Farmed with Placer Mines(Gold) and Quarry(Stone), which cost a massive amount of wood(300 Wood perhaps), 1 Gatherer only, Available in Castle Age, Gather extremely slow, but the Gather Rate can be upgradeable by the normal mining techs, and gives like 400(Gold) and 200(Stone) Resources respectably, and there could be a tick to disable or enable these building, although the Building is relatively slow to the point that some games could end before any of the building has expired their resources.

submitted by /u/Ashina999
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