Tournament Idea: Toxic Cup [Crosspost from AoEZone]

Hey, everyone. I recently posted this on AoEZone, but wanted to also leave it here for maximum exposure. The original text is as follows:

So some of the recent threads here [on AoEZone] have made me think: what if we had a tournament where players were encouraged to let their nastiness shine? Introducing... drum roll TOXIC CUP.

I propose that we gather up a group of the meanest, most spite-filled players in the game right now and just set them loose on each other in a tournament. I'm talking rage-inducing custom maps, infuriating strategies, no rules against laming/douching--anything goes!

Based on the recent threads, I'm currently thinking we could have Blade, Big Scoob, and FreakinAndy participate, but we'd need at least five more participants to make this viable. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them! 🙂

I'd even be willing to organize the tournament and cast it myself, but I'm just a broke-ass grad student, so if anyone with deep pockets wants to pitch in, feel free to shoot me a DM. 👋

submitted by /u/Ryankmfdm
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