Watching T90s recent video of the "playerless game" reminded me of the funniest teamgames I ever played - or rather, not played. Can't find the rec, I think it was in HD-times, but here is what happened:
I was playing a 2v2 with a friend and late Feudal/early Castle we were in a winning position. I just arrived at my flanks base with something like 15 Xbows and were about to wreck him...when my connection broke.
As we were winning on both flanks, my friend tried to play on, trying to destroy his opponent as quick as possible. I went into the game as a spectator to watch. What I found there had me dying:
The last thing I did in the game was shooting on a tile of wall next to my opponent's stable. Obviously my Xbows would keep shooting and open the wall, but then just stand there. Luckily, I had them positioned in between the stable and the gap in the wall. My opponent then started to produce Camels to help his teammate who was pressured by Knights.
The stable though was build behind the wall and not part of the wall and he had the gather point set somewhere outside of his base. The shortest way for the camels was therefore: Run inside of the wall towards the gap - in front of my Xbows - and then forward to the gather point - through my Xbows. Obviously my Xbows would attack them and as they're just Camels and ran past them twice, all of them were just slaughtered. I killed over 10 Camels of him while being disconnected before he realised.
That's not where it stopped though. Before (or when?) he realised, there was actually some pathing stuff happening that led my Xbows to run towards the camels for a bit - I probably had them on attack stance, not stand ground. Somehow the camels managed to draw the Crossbows through the gap in the wall inside their base. Right behind the walls, he had a mill with farming around it, so my Crossbows went walking and killed a whole farming spot of him.
When some of the villagers ran away, they dragged the Xbows even deeper into the economy where they killed some of the farming eco around the TC too. I think, I basically killed half of his farming eco or even more when he was already massively behind my teammate in eco.
My teammate went on to win it pretty comfortably, destroying his flank who got only help after minutes and then facing a second player who had half of his economy. It was the most glorious win. I laughed my goddamn ass off.
tl;dr: I disconnected early Castle Age in 2v2 and my army wrecked my opponent just by itself.
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