A story of despair

So probably around 8-11 years ago I was playing an online game of Aoe3. But this was not any normal game. Buckle up folks, its a roller coaster of feels.

So I love the dutch, I roll in those sweet sweet insta horse train-ups on great plains, those banks, 50 villager pop cap... Anyway, I digress; We were playing on Saguenay, 4v4, 45min no attacking etc etc. A few minutes into the start of the game, someone on my team DC'd. One of my teammates told me he couldn't bear this disadvantage and then followed suit. The third guy just left. So it was just I vs 4, and I contemplated leaving, but thought fuck it, I'll try to win. So I moved my eco up into the top left of the map between the bay and the edge of the map, and prepared myself, knowing for sure I'd have to face a battle I may not win. That dreaded 45 min marker came round, and they attacked. Somehow, I survived. So after about 20 min of defending, devised a plan to attack. After an attack I slipped a few villagers past the enemy and set up some stables and barracks. After horse spam, it was 1v3, then 1v2, and then finally 1v1. I hit him from both fronts, and won. However this isn't why I'm writing this. At this point I had spies, I could see everything! But this guy. He was only going to let me win with a 100% pop kill. He had one, maybe more entities alive on the map, but he would not tell me where. He had hidden it. I spent half an hour destroying everything on the map to find it but I just couldn't. After a while longer I get the dreaded message flash across my screen "Victory is yours!" with a message "You will be kept up at night, wondering where I was" and then he DC'd.

So here I am, years later still wondering how he hid from me when I could see everything. When I do think about this it makes me wonder, and then like half an hour flies past while I should be writing my essay. If you're out there, I would like to sleep at night.

submitted by /u/Pebblezcrwd
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