Would just like to say thank you to everyone in the Aoe2 community!

Hello! WilkyGTR IG here, new player to Aoe2 and I'd just like to say thanks for having such an awesome community. Coming from league of legends to this game makes me feel like I've been freed from hell. I've had more than one occasion where after the game my opponent/teammate and I would just sit a chat about strategy's and ways for me to improve. Last night I made a new friend while playing 2v2 Black Forest. A fellow Canadian, we got rushed really hard just as we got to IMP but we held off and managed to come back for the win! After the GG we talked for an hour in game just hanging out and discussing how I could have played better.

I can't stop playing! I've lost 6 in a row but it's still so much fun. People recommended I play 1vs1 Arabia so I did that today with utterly terrible results. HOW THE HELL DO YOU DEAL WITH A SCOUT RUSH DAMMIT? Lol, impossible to practice build orders with scouts or men at arms in my lumber!

Ranting now, to sum it up. Thank you! For making this game a pleasurable experience. I've only come across one toxic person, who was just a bit salty over a t rush but other than that it's been super positive and very welcoming.

submitted by /u/Torched88
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