13:09 minute Castle time with Saracens?

I played an 1100 ELO Arabia game against a Saracen player and I haven't been able to replicate their castle age time no matter how hard I try. They hit castle age at 13:09 with 19+2 villagers. Sold stone and pushed 3 deer, but I wasn't able to pull it off without idling my TC to click up, and my opponent got housed at one point so it can't be too hard to pull off, especially when spending a lot of vill time to wall off every resource.

Watching the recorded game they built no farms before castle age and would have needed to buy at least 700 food at the market before clicking up to castle age. They did have 5 gold miners and sold stone, but that's still a lot to buy so early in the game, even as Saracens.

Is this something that people are doing now? If anybody has a guide on a 19 pop FC into a 4 TC boom with Saracens I need to see it.

Truth be told, I'm a little suspicious about game data manipulation. My opponent never got a gold mining upgrade, despite having an eco very heavily dependent on gold and playing a game that lasted well into imperial age. Maybe a subtle value change to base gold mining rate?

Between that and the fact that I was playing against a new account, I'm suspicious.

If somebody with more experience than me could look at this recorded game and tell me whether or not this is a legit build people could potentially pull off themselves that would be great. I couldn't find the build online but would love to be able to hit those castle times in a game.

Link to recorded game

submitted by /u/GarlicBandit
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