Why the Indians should get Camel Cannoneers, not Elephant Archers

So hear me out guys. I know there's been a lot of talk about the historical innacury of the Indians civ, but I don't think its actually that bad.

The Indians are clearly based on the Delhi Sultanate and the Mughals. We know this to be true, because these empires used camels, and fittingly, the Indians have Imperial Camels. The Mughal Empire was known as one of the first great gunpowder empires. So what do the Indians have? Shatagni, a Hand Cannoneer technology. The other unique technology "Sultans" refers to the Delhi Sultanate.

So I suggest that the devs should lean into this idea. Make the Indians solely represent these empires by replacing their Elephant Archer UU with the Zamburak, which were essentially camel-mounted cannoneers used by the Timurids, Mughals and Safavids (Persians). This could be a great unique unit for Indians, with a bonus against infantry and elephants, as historically they were used against the war elephants of other Indian empires.

Subsequently, by creating a clear focus for what people the "Indians" civ represents, it makes it easier to add other more specific peoples from India to the game, like the Tamils or the Bengals. And the Tamils could get the Elephant Archer.

And this is all in the name of keeping civs distinct as more and more are added over the years.

submitted by /u/Zaghawa_
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