Britons - How to play after going feudal/ castle age?

Hey experts, Me and 2 friends are playing AoE DE together and i chose to play an archer civ, because i like to play with the nice range and like to micromanage a bit while fighting. Nothing better than a hail of arrows, right? My Mates are playing Magyars (for Cavalry and the nice LoS Team Bonus to archers) and Franks (but he isnt sure he found his civ yet). So far so good. But mostly im playing solo or with random dudes.

Im by far not "good" i would say, but at least im staying at around 900-1000 elo points. And its often the same way i lose, and i would like to learn how to avoid it. Im around 40-45% wins and 55-60% loses. I played just a few rankeds, but more custom lobbies and quicksearch (is it called like this?) Games.

Im right now learning to use hotkeys for at least going through buildings and not manually look for them and for workers.

I watched youtube vids how to play to feudal and im quite used to go feudal age with 21-22 pop in around 11-12 minutes. Then im straight building archery range, go for 5-6 on gold and build a little group of archers (8-10). When i see the enemy using scouts or expect them too i mix in some spearmen (3-5). Most of the time i go for the first attack them, which is often wuite succesfull. Even if they are walled in behind a layer of pallisades i get through in some seconds with this (i also send in the starting scout sometimes). While my "army" is on his way, i go for the archer upgrades at blacksmith, so they are stronger when they arrive at the enemy camp.

Then the killing of some villager starts. Most of the time i get a few, but then i dont know what to do next. Most of the time i stay there, out of range of the tc, but then the spam a lot of skirmishers at me (if its a teamgame, there are often a lot coming at me.) I think i overextend here, when i stay and lose my units (which costed me a bit gold). Is it clever to turn around and go back then? Do i produce more military and keep the push?

A few times this worked out quite well and i just spammed more and more archers, while producing more villagers to vather ressources and come into castle age, for the nice more range from britons and the upgrade to crossbows and from blacksmith. But if this doesnt work either and they just overrun me with skirmishers i feel like its gg.

Could you give me some tips here?

Should i dont play it like this and go for a fast castle and just build longbows instead?

Thanks :)

P.S.: Please dont suggest me using a different civ. I hope u understand me. My english isnt the best. :P

submitted by /u/LakritzelBoi
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