Does the AI essentially cheat at higher difficulties?

I just played a pretty long and hard fought 1v1 castle age game against the AI on hardest. It was a meat grinder of them spamming plumed archers, and at this point in the game there was nothing left resource-wise except trees and farming, I also had 3 relics. So at this point my forces were mostly those that don't need gold: skirmishers, light cav, and pikemen.

I thought it odd that the AI was able to continue spamming plumed archers as they cost gold. Well when I finally overcame the AI I saw no gold left on their side of the map and only 1 relic. Looking at the achievements afterwards I saw that I'd beaten them in every resource gathered by a long shot: 253k wood against their 112k, about the same for food, and 75k gold against their 35k.

How else besides cheating is it possible for the AI to continue spamming units that cost gold so late in the game?

submitted by /u/Barack_Lesnar
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