Until today, I thought that the person who said "gg" first was the one resigning...

Apparently I was wrong. Multiple games tonight, I was losing, pretty roughly, and was going to throw the towel in after expending one last army, try to micro my way to a miracle, but then my opponent says "gg" - and then doesn't resign! Instead of a normal "105" or even a "wtf man resign already"...they think they can "gg" me to say "oh yeah I'm sorry, I didn't realize there was a resign button, thank you sooooo much"?

Either ask them to resign, throw a 105 in the chat, or just shut the fuck up and enjoy destroying the other player. Because every time I get a premature gg you better believe they have to utterly and completely defeat me. I browse reddit and do other stuff to pass the time.

/end rant

submitted by /u/PGHWolfPack
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