Devs, can we please get a 5 seconds paused "warm-up" time after loading?

Hey guys, I wanna request what I think is a very reasonable and healthy feature that most multiplayer games have and AoE2 is lacking.

At the moment, you are thrown immediately into a game after loading, no warm-up, nothing, and while it may not bother everyone, it can lead to some incredibly frustrating moments like I had today: My opponent was taking too long to load, so I took a sip of my Water... and BAM, game loads, I have my bottle in my hand and lose about 3-4 seconds because of this.

Sure, you may argue that it was my fault, I knew it could load at any time, but I still think that starting this suddenly is kinda of an archaic left over mechanic and could be improved upon... I can see it being especially frustrating to newcomers.

submitted by /u/NargWielki
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