New two civilizations are against the playstyle of Age of Empires

Hey folks,

I'm here to talk shit about Sicilians and Burgundians. I'm going to be a little vulgar, because I'm fed up with this bullshit.

So, after getting stomped by "Let me kill your villagers one by one by microing 10 costilliers" guy, I wanted to sit one out and watch my friends play a 3v3. Their game, OF COURSE had a sicilian and a burgundian player on the other side.

My friend who was Ethiopians had started making Archers from feudal age and accumulating them, hitting the enemy here and there, harrasing and killing villagers sometimes, basically being a pest while booming and massing archers.

My other friend who was the pocket, scout-rushed sicilian player and killed 3 or 4 villagers, later on he goes to castle age and switches to knights, keeps fighting the enemy's archers, cav archers and raiding Sicilian player.

The other flank was fighting cav archers with his crossbows.

Game goes on, sicilian player keeps booming, protects base with Castle, makes TC's, and keeps booming, he gets raided but he can just jump into defensive buildings and keep booming, since the other two players are defending him by keeping my friends busy with combat.

The guy goes imp, after 2 minutes he comes into the arena with fully upgraded Elite Sargeants.

WHAT THE FUCK? Elite Sargeants are unstoppable, and recruiting FIFTY of them immediately is fucking OP. My friend who carefully accumulated all his archers all game got demolished by these high hp, high armor, high attack and high pierce armor bullshits.

A regular arbalest does 10 damage, while Elire Sargeants have 8 pierce armor. Arbs do 2 damage to them. These guys have 75 hp, so 38 shots are needed to bring them down. A Frank paladin requires 64 shots to die, and you CANNOT produce 50 paladins instantly by researching a technology.

Also, let's say you fast-imp'd with Turks, so your Hand Cannonneers can kill these fucking op bullshit units devs thought was SUCH A GREAT IDEA. Well, guess what sucker, your bonus damage from Hand Cannonneers now do only +5 damage! They do 17 damage, and with +5, -8 armor from Sargeants, you do 14 damage, requiring 6 shots to kill one unit.

Even on 50 vs 50 situation, with every volley, Hand Cannonners are going to kill 6 or 7 Sargeants with each shot, since they miss and overkill a lot. When sargeants close the gap, and since you can't do hit and run with slow-ass hand cannoneers, and since sargeants do 15 damage and HC's have 4 armor and 35 hp, even with 44 hp as Turks, sargeants are going to kill HC's with only 3 hits.

Conclusion: If you never get raided and make the perfect counter against Sicilian player, you get rekked.

Now, let's talk about feudal age bow-sawing, castle age cavaliering, one-hit-KO'ing op as fuck unique unit having Burgundians. There has not been a more powerful unique unit in history of Age of Empires. Normally the game revolves around unit counters, right?

How do you counter a normal Knight? Monks, Pikes, maybe camels.

Make monk, aaaand it's gone.

Make pike, aaaaand it's gone.


I'm not even going to talk about the bullshit with flemmish militia and how it should NOT be a part of the game, it's like having spanish villagers but better, since they can actually fight, not stand around and watch their friends get killed.

The charge mechanic needs a rework: how about removing it, or making it a one usage thing, like, you use it and it's gone, that unit's charge is used up. Who the FUCK thought giving a civ a uu that has COBRA car levels of damage burst?

Here are my suggestions on how to fix these issues:

  1. Sicilian bonus that reduces bonus damage is reduced from 50% to 25%.
  2. Sargeants have 1/1 armor in Feudal, 2/2 in Castle age, Elite Sargeants have 3/3.
  3. First Crusade: Instead of TC's making 10 sargeants, all donjons make 2 Sargeants.
  4. Coustillier's bonus damage is removed entirely.
  5. Coustillier deals +3 bonus damage against units that doesn't have a bonus against Coustillier.
  6. Flemish Revolution: Now costs 1000F,1000G. Also removes the ability to create more villagers.

I hope these civs get fixed soon or I might lose my mind.


God damn I'm mad at the devs.

submitted by /u/inwector
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