Spain vs British?

My elo is 1300 and I only play Spain right now. I know Britain is known for being Spain's hardest matchup, yet it's so frustrating to never be able to beat them. I maybe win one out of every 10 games versus then, my win rate is pretty good against every other civ. (except OP Japan & Sweden) I'm asking for advice on what to do, any input is appreciated. My go to reference is Plop's Spain Guide which is awesome, but I have no luck with either an xbow semi or musk falcs naked ff, which it recommends. Britain early game seems kinda broken, borderline OP because of the villager edge. On the side, wouldn't a great balance change be to get rid of their 5 villy card so they only have the 4 vill shipment?

submitted by /u/sgjb12
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