Has there ever been a pro-am tournament and/or do you think one would work?

Hi there. I've only been playing AoE2 for about a year and have been loving it, and I especially love watching tournaments. After watching HC4, I got the idea that maybe another cool tournament format could be a pro-am (professional-amateur) 2v2 tournament. I did a little searching and couldn't find that one had been done before, but of course I could have missed it. Below are my ideas for how one could maybe work, but I'm new and am more interested in seeing if anyone else thinks this would make for an entertaining tourney.

If you're not familiar with a pro-am, it's done in some sports like golf, where professional players are each teamed up with an amateur player in a 2v2 tourney. In AoE2, it would be the pro players we all know, but then each of them would be paired with a player who hasn't been in tournaments before and who doesn't have the elo of a pro. But I think they would still have a high elo, maybe 2000-2100 or something. I don't have the player selection all figured out, just spitballing.

My first thought for the match format would be best of 5: Match 1 = 2v2 Match 2 = amateur vs. amateur Match 3 = pro vs. pro Match 4 & 5 = 2v2 (if necessary)

That's as far as I've gotten. :D Maybe an AoE2 pro-am just wouldn't be that interesting and I would accept that, but I do think it could have some neat perks: first, it would be yet another way to see the pros play. Second, it would allow people in the community to feel more involved because some of them would participate. Third, it could be less pressure for the pros because they know they can only do so much with an amateur teammate so they wouldn't expect perfection. Fourth, it would allow us to see who may be the next great AoE2 players among the amateur competitors. And finally, it would just be different!

I'm very curious if anyone else thinks this would work and would be fun. Or maybe my proposed specifics miss the mark, but a pro-am could still work somehow. Or maybe it's just not a good idea. That's ok, but I would love to hear someone else's thoughts. Thanks for reading! Best wishes.

submitted by /u/sheeplysday
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