£2000 for getting to 1300 elo (Never played this game before)

Hello r/aoe2

Let me preface this post by saying that I have never played any of the age of empires games. I have played age of mythology a little and would class myself a very average player.

Me and my brothers have been offered by a very wealthy patron $1000 each, multiplied by the amount of us that complete this challenge, if we can get to 1300+ elo in a month starting now and ending on April 30th. This would be huge if I manage to do this.

I'm making this post to ask for help and suggestions:

-On how to reach this goal efficiently

-On which channels to watch and study

-On strategies to use against people of different Elo brackets

+any other information you think would come in handy for me

I'm trying to create a structured plan to go about doing this. Should I revise all nuances of this game, should I just play 8 hours a day for a month straight and see if that makes me good enough, should I practise against computers or online games.

Help me out here r/aoe2, I could use the money lol

submitted by /u/Ok_Spell_825
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/31s896y
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