
Very troubling scenario.

  1. The green Mongols micromanagement is driving me mad. They micro their horse archers too well. I cannot bother using elephants in this situation.
  2. I cannot reach two of the green castles. My trebuchets are destroyed by the mangudai.
  3. I am not holding out well. Green has so many siege weapons. My river castles gets destroyed by the trebuchets, and onagers. My walls are also crumbled by the rams. I also lost my galleys to onager shots.
  4. Purple is not very helpful. Even if I manage to smash a green castle, they betray me, making my situation more dire.
  5. My gold runs out fast.

When I get to imperial, they didn’t even give me time to build some trebuchets for my own, or get some important upgrades. They just started to attack me shortly, giving me so little time to act.

How do you clear this one? It’s maddening.

submitted by /u/hussar269c
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