Am i the only one who's experience random lag and stutter with the full screen and borderless full screen modes but NOT in windowed mode? The problem comes and go and i can't seem to find the trigger for it.

As title say so, i'm having this weird issue where full screen and borderless fullscreen modes randomly make the game lag and stutter but setting it to windowed mode makes the game run lock on at a 75fps (i have 75hz monitor).

By random i mean: Sometimes the game runs fine, others and for no apparent reason the game stutters so long as the game is either in full screen or borderless full screen mode but switching to windowed mode takes the lag away.

I'm running the game on a system with a ryzen 2600x and a rx 580 on windows 10.

As a workaround i found a program called "Borderless gaming" which allows to have a game be set in windowed mode and them displayed as bordeless fullscreen, by this method i can achieve bordless full screen mode with no stutter whatsover.

Mind you i've experience something similar with age of empire: definitive edition 1 the first game in the series (i bought both on Steam) however this issue is only limited to these 2 games. The rest of the games i have installed, Doom eternal, Resident evil 2 Remake, Sekeiro and Dark souls remastered all run fine.

Any ideas?

submitted by /u/elhopanesromtik
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