Bugs/Problems in AoE on Voobly (No Stance and Formation, Sluggish mouse, \ key as hotkey)


I have some bugs/problems with aoe and maybe you know how to fix it. I just installed everything for AoE on Voobly with the AoETools and it works fine (1.5 R7 and WK 5.8.1 I think). So I launched a lobby and started a game against ai. But

  1. I cannot change the formation or stance for units. So with my scout there are just the garrison button and the stop butten, when it is moving. But I cannot change between aggressive, defensive etc. Hotkeys don't work either.
  2. The pointer does not seem to move directly, when I move my mouse. It seems to be related to the " Precision Scrolling System ". Do I need that? What is it ;)
  3. I cannot use the \ key (between shift and z) as a hotkey, which is usually my idle villager button. I cannot set it in game and if I set it as hotkey with the aoe hotkey editor, it is not recognized. Any chance to fix that?


submitted by /u/rukers
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