An idea to balance towers

Towers have always been hard to balance. Offensive towers are too strong and defensive towers are too weak. So I thought, what if we

Change tower cost to 50w 100s

Towers build within x tiles (I thought x=40 would be cool) radius from the enemy starting TC cost double the wood.

Only in nomad this might sometimes not work when you start very close to each other. It will result in a nerf for both players. So you can either keep it that way, or you can undo it by saying: Towers build within x tiles radius from your starting TC aren't affected by a cost penalty.

Also, when this change is set, you can start buffing defensive towers by giving them better stats or by bringing the arrowsplit tech back to castle age. Perhaps let arrowslits give an attack speed buff instead of bonus damage and transmit the damage increase to the Guard and Keep tower upgrade.

submitted by /u/GroteJager
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