Ride for Ruin, and the world's ending! (An idea about the charge mechanic)

Now that the Coustilier exists, could we one day see a UU that gets a temporary movement speed increase (probably ~2x speed) when it aggro's an enemy in its LOS? The ability would have to recharge like the Coustilier's so that it isn't available constantly.

This would make it look like the unit is actually charging towards its target and would be a cool unique ability!

As a bonus it would not be as strong as what we are seeing with the Coustilier, but it would still be useful for closing the distance with ranged units or chasing down a fleeing enemy. It could also come with a minor attack boost if it needed to be stronger. ( If you've played Starcraft II, this ability would be just like Zealot Charge-- useful, cool looking, and unique. )

Personally, I'd love to see the current Coustilier ability changed to be more like this, but given the possibility of future DLC's and new civs, I'd be happy to see a UU that truly charged its enemies.

submitted by /u/Apprehensive_Arm5674
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