Civilization Unit Classification (request for help)


I am attempting to classify civilizations based upon which unit lines they draw their strength from. I am doing this as part of a wider analysis into civilization balance to see if we can identify (from a data perspective) apart which unit types are potentially overpowered / underpowered.

In order for this to work though the classification needs to be as representative as possible. My current attempt at doing this can be found here:

The general goal is to put an "x" in a particular civilization / unit box if that civilizations performance or ability can be associated to that unit, or alternatively if that civilization has the ability to effectively use the unit (even if in practice they don't tend to use it). By its nature this is very subjective and will be impossible to perfectly put together.

Also in some cases (i.e. Skirmisher) too many civilizations have access to the FU unit so instead I rely on bonuses to make the classification. Likewise in general if a civilization has a non-FU version of the unit but instead has some other meaningful bonus I will also include it, for example Persian crossbows (no gold bonus) and Burgundian Paladins (quicker and cheaper upgrades).

Any adjustments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated

submitted by /u/coolio9876
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