More trigger trouble. Anyone care to help, please?

I have a trigger with 3 conditions for researching imperial age. One for each player, separated by condition separators, and my 2 effects are to activate a timer condition trigger for 300 seconds, and a timer display trigger also for 300 seconds.

I'm not sure whether this trigger should be on or off at the start, but either way, it's completely ignoring when any of the players reach imperial age. It refuses to activate the effects when the conditions are met.

The first effect is the timer display and the second is the timer condition that activates other triggers. Sometimes the game recognizes when a player reaches imperial and activates the second effect but ignores the first one.

If I set the trigger to be on from the start, most of the time it ignores conditions and immediately activates the effects

This editor is driving me up the wall

EDIT: Technology State condition behaves no differently. It still ignores the conditions when it's set to on and is just inactive when it's off.

submitted by /u/Nonchalant_Shallot
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