Opinion on Nili video about laming

I have an idea, i will just write it here so it doesn't go to waste if it is actually good.

The two main arguments that I agree on this case are:
(in favor) - "no laming - boring dark age"

(against) - "too random, unfair"

To solve that i would change a couple of things:

- no more boars, f** it;

- one extra pack of deer;

- remove the ability of pushing deer;

What i think would happen to the gamplay:
You now have to mill your deer, exposing your villagers (indirectly making early walls less viable),Dark Age would be a bit longer, Dark Age battles would be more important and frequent, and the unfairness of boar lure would be solved.

From a game design perspective: the mini-game of "boar luring" would be exchanged for more battles in the Dark Age, which i think is the focus of the game.

submitted by /u/wtfiamdoinginlife
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