SouthAmericans Latency no Englando

Hello i am annoyed i wanna play Teamgames but i always get South American in my Lobby most of them cant even talk a single Word English and the much much much bigger Problem is

its fucking lagging like legit i never saw people with so poor connection i am legit playing with people from South Korea or Asia with 0 Latency or US but as soon as i get some SA on my Team that Game is unplayable for me i just cant stand playing with Lag...seriously i just leave the game or rush very quick if its already lagging in the Feudal Age.. and why? since it ALWAYS gets worse its not like its staying as more Units on the Map as worse it gets

i am so angry ngl can we get an option or is there a way like in AoM or other old RTS where i can BAN specific countrys/pings? i just dont wanna play with them anymore and as soon as i see a yellow or red clock on the game i get tilted and press surrender

submitted by /u/Sufficient-Gas-4659
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