Why is laming so frowned upon in Lower ELO's ?

Hi guys !

i'm 1100 ELO and i've been playing a lot these last days, i really try to take advantage on every aspect of the game to become better so whenever i get a chance to lame i do it ( sheep or laming enemy boar with scout ), and even though most of the time i end up failing and losing all scout HP trying to boar lame, the times that i successfully pull it off, opponents either gg's or sometimes even insult me saying that i play dirty then gg lol

i watch A LOT of aoe pros on twitch and youtube, and most of the time when they have a chance to lame they absolutely do it ( Hi Mbl ! ) and i think that it's absolutely fair, as it's basically sacrifying scouting info & scout HP to try to gain a food advantage, but why is it so badly regarded by low elo players ? is it just the fact that they can't adapt to this food loss and know they will lose so they get mad and gg ? what do some of you higher elo guys ( 1500+ ) think about laming ?

submitted by /u/fukclibtards
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