Edo (Benin) civ idea

As you may know, I was mading some new African civs to be discussed and later implemented on Voobly or The Forgotten.

This time is a civ that I will probably not implement, excepting maybe in an African total conversion or something else but I wanted to play around it.

Aniway, I want to balance them, so put in your comments what sounds OP to try balancing it and make it just better



Edo (Benin Kingdom)

Infantry and tower civilization


When you build any building at first time (excepting walls, towers or gates), it gives you 55 wood / 70 wood / 85 wood and 60gold/150 wood and 200 gold at dark/feudal/castle/imperial age

All bonus damage of infantry units increased by 25%

Walls are builded twice as fast

Blacksmith techs are 40% cheaper

Siege towers are 40% cheaper

Team bonus: Siege towers double capacity


UU: Benin Legionnary (Infantry)

Cost: 60F 35G

HP: 70, 90 | Attack: 13 (17) | +4 (7) vs cavalry | Armor: 2/1 | Upgrade Cost: 700F 800G | LOS: 3 | ROF: 1.8 | Movement: 0.8 5 , 0,8 |Creatinçon time: 10| Notes: all-rounded infantry


(Inspired on anatarion´s old Afghan UU)

UU2: Light Trebuchet (siege)

Cost: 110G 110W

HP: 90 | Unit | Attack: 30 | +100 vs buildings, +50 vs siege | Range: 14 | Armor: 2/14 | LOS: 17 | ROF: 7 | Movement: 1 | Proyectile Speed: 5 | 25% accuracy | 0,5x0,5 area damage | Villagers can build them after researching Porters. Avaible at Siege workshop


Bight of Benin <Galleons +1 range>Cost: 450F 450G

Porters <Light trebuchets, trebuchets and scorpions benefits from ballistics. Light Trebuchet avaible at villagers and packs and unpacks faster>Cost: 750F 550G


Disabled techs:

Barracks: Eagle Scout

Archery: Heavy cavalry archer, Parthian tactics

Stable: Heavy camel, Paladin, Light cavalry, Battle Elephant

Blacksmith: /

Siege Workshop: Capped ram, Bombard Cannon

Dock: Fast fire ship, Elite cannon galleon, shipwright

University: /

Monastery: Attonoment, fervor, herbal medicine, heresy, theocracy

Economy: Crop rotation


So, let´s look at the bonuses:

"When you build any building at first time (excepting walls, towers or gates), it gives you 55 wood / 70 wood / 85 wood and 60gold/150 wood and 200 gold at dark/feudal/castle/imperial age"

A weird bonus, representing the constant fortification and expansion of Benin City. Is a nice but not incredible early bonus

"All bonus damage of infantry units increased by 25%"

Representing the discipline of this Kingdom. It help Spearline particulaty but is also nice for Swordmans vs Eagles and Condos vs gunpowder units. It also help abit the UU

"Walls are builded twice as fast"

Benin city started being just a fortress and they builded new layers of walls over time. Also this is one of the especialization of their architecture. In a real game, it helps early wall and also helps on the late game.

"Blacksmith techs are 40% cheaper"

Benin had a lot of Blacksmithing. This togheter with the first bonujs can help their scouts, their archers and their knights a bit.

"Siege towers are 40% cheaper"

"Team bonus: Siege towers double capacity"

I feel that having viable siege towers may help them as replacing rams as an arrow shield. Also, you may need this to enfrent the other powerful city states near Benin.

"Benin Legionnary (infantry)"

An more expensive but stronger swordman line, a castle age champion and later a better one. Benin infantry was (as already said) very disciplined, and they used big shields and shorts swords, and because that, they were described as the Legions of Benin.

"Bight of Benin"

This is the name of the coast of Benin, andthe bonus is great for water, especially if there is river. Aniway remember that they lack shipwright so... Isn´t as good as you may think.


I feel that they needed another focus. This UT is needed to mantain them okaish at late game, using your UUs and other siege to have pop efficient units and then add units from barracks or Archers to complet the combo.

I feel that the gamleplay may need to be disussed later at the comments. Hope you enjoyed :)

submitted by /u/Thangoman
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