How do I know if I'm going to really enjoy a game?

This question stems from my own desire to only pick up games in future that have a high chance that I'd enjoy them very much.

I must now talk about TLOU2. The leaks made me think the game's pretty shite. More importantly, the metacritic user score tells any casual gamer who's not familiar with the controversy that the game is actually shite. This will probably make them miss out on a fantastic game. Because TLOU2 actually is a very good game. even though I didn't like some of the story elements in it, it doesn't make the game objectively bad. It has great story elements, much better gameplay -- i like it very much.

On the other hand, consider RDR2. It's a great game. A solid journey. I picked it up seeing that both the critic scores and user scores were both outstanding. But I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. Because I found the gameplay and shooting pretty clunky (but the story was great).

Next case -- Metal Gear Solid: Phantom Pain

I saw raving reviews and picked it up. Didn't enjoy it. The prologue dragged on too long and I just didn't find the characters very interesting.

Another completely different genre. An old game -- Age of Empires 3. Most people say it's the weakest of all AOE games. The reviews are also ok. But I actually enjoyed it the most.

I'm constantly running into this issue where I sometimes pick up games I think I will enjoy, but don't. And I'm afraid I'm missing out on great games ( my style of games) just because they don't have great review scores.

So, do you have a strategy for knowing whether you'd enjoy a particular game? whether it's actually your kind of game?

submitted by /u/newplayer12345
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