How to account for Mongol hunting gather rate?

So I'm fairly a noob and was playing the Mongols a bit lately. The gather rate increase is great, but it's kind of throwing me off as I end up with a bunch of idle villagers once the animals are done because I don't have enough wood to support farms.

Usually my BO is scouts rush (22 pop) into fast castle into cav archers.

I'm wondering what the strategy here is to prevent idle time of my villagers. I was thinking I could potentially move one or two of the villagers to wood earlier, but then that means I'm collecting food slower and might not have enough for the 4 scouts after feudal. Another tactic might be to push in some deer, I'm not so good at that, and I would prefer to use my scout to interrupt the opponent. I could also try to go up to feudal at a lower pop cap, but I'm not too aware of what the drawbacks to that are.

Thoughts? What do you guys do to account for eco bonus differences of different civs?

submitted by /u/DARKHAWX
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