KillerB's Arabia Cup - Third place playoff - Match report

MbL v Hera

Full bracket is here.

Format: Arabia, Best of 3, Random Civs, Two restarts of which one can be "veto'd" by the other player. Restarts re-roll civs and not just maps.

Game 1

MbL - Chinese

Hera - Malians

Early game

A few scouts for Hera and a few spears for MbL who focusses on walling off

Castle age

MbL - knights

Hera - archers into crossbows (a little later into castle age), a few camels

Imperial age

MbL - chu-ku-nu, halbs & bombard towers, creeping in

Hera - cavalier, light cav, elite skirm and bombard cannon

MbL's bombard tower rush too effective. Perhaps we'll see more of it?

MbL 1 v 0 Hera

Game 2

MbL - Japanese

Hera - Malay

Early game

MbL - Drush, a few skirms, almost. fast castle

Hera - Archers

Castle Age

MbL - crossbows & skirms

Hera - crossbows & more boom

Imperial age

MbL - arbalests, rams

Hera - arbalests, skirms and a few karambits, bombard cannons and two eles

Hera had more eco behind it and won out in the end.

MbL 1 v 1 Hera

Game 3

MbL - Goths (re'd but veto'd by Hera)

Hera - Celts

Early game

MbL - M@A into archers

Hera - Archers

Castle age

MbL - Crossbows & huskarls

Hera - Crossbows, mangonels - forced into longswords and woads to deal with huskarls


MbL - goth champions spam

Hera - fold

MbL 2 v 1 Hera

KillerB is streaming these the final right now (as I post this). Their Twitch is here and I am sure they will make the VODs from the third place playoff and final available.

submitted by /u/jarry1250
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