Your most epic comeback in a game?

That is, games where things looked really dicey but you ended up making a comeback anyway and win the game.

For me, it was surviving and pushing back a TRIPLE Castle Drop on Arena. Opponent was Spanish and he got to Imp fast and pushed hard with Trebs and Conqs. Held out against the Conqs with Monks and bought myself enough time to get up to Imp myself and get out Bombard Cannons and as many Monk techs as I could (fortunately I was Saracens, a Bombard Cannon civ) to destroy the Trebs, destroy the Castles, convert enemy units, and win the game.

It was that game that I realized I hadn’t been giving Monks and the Saracen Market bonus enough credit; seems both are really nice when you’re on the back foot :D

submitted by /u/Gyeseongyeon
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