But: Trebuchet attack

Issue: Lets say there is a treb attacking a building and a second treb that is either packed or unpacked but doesn’t have that building in range. I select both and right-click on the building (or another building within first treb’s range), BOTH of them start packing although it should only be the second one doing so to get closer to the said building.

Also I don’t like that unpacked trebs start auto-packing if ordered to attack an out-of-range building. It’s problematic when let’s say a treb is attacking a barracks and I mis-right click on another building outside it’s range and it just starts to pack and move. If I’m not paying attention, it may wander off to near enemy units or so. It becomes more cumbersome to manage when using multiple trebs located in the same area.

submitted by /u/phoenixv1s
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