Have you decided which next-generation console you are going to purchase?

The PS5 and Xbox Scarlett will be here in a year. We'll know what they look like in about 6-7 months from now at E3. We'll get a glimpse at their features and games before that (this is all assuming that they reveal stuff in the same way that they did for this gen) and with this new generation, a new 'console war' will begin in which millions of people online who aren't going to purchase either console will argue about which one is better by citing the stupidest, smallest, most inconsequential features while people who care about games and are actually going to purchase one of the new consoles, will spend their time scratching their heads, deciding on which console with marginally different features to the other they should purchase, and in doing so will essentially place a bet that the console they choose will have the better games and features over the course of the next 7-8 years.

However, I can't help but feel that, for me and people like me at least, the decision of which console to purchase has already been made based on the console we had the most fun playing game, especially exclusive games, in.

If there's anything that Playstation has proved this generation, it's that they'll continue to put out at least 1 great exclusive title every year and while all of them may not hit the bullseye, at least a few of them will be regarded as masterpieces, as games of the generation. This generation I've had the most fun playing games like Uncharted 4, HZD, Spiderman, GoW, Infamous and Driveclub, yes Driveclub, and while I have no idea what type of games Naughty Dog, Guerrilla Games, Insomniac, Santa Monica and Sucker Punch are going to put out next gen, I'm willing to bet that they're gonna be, at the very least, good games to play.

Xbox meanwhile, has had maybe one of the worst exclusive game libraries of any modern (I consider modern to be 3D graphics, so that would be 5th generation consoles onwards) console (not counting the Ouya of course). There are some amazing games of course, like Ori, Cuphead, Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon and (AFAIK) Gears 5 but if you look closer you'll see that one of the studios that made one of the games I listed is now owned by Sony while 2 other studios are independent and not owned by Microsoft. Microsoft has acknowledged this weakness and acted to fix it by creating new studios and acquiring existing ones like Obsidian, Ninja Theory, InXile, Compulsion and Double Fine Productions and while they're all great studios, Microsoft's track record with internal studios isn't great to say the least.

Even then, while I think that these studios, with proper funding and support, which hopefully Microsoft will provide them with, will put out great games, the thing that really puts me off purchasing a Xbox is the fact that I own a PC and that I can play all Microsoft games there (assuming they continue to release it on PC) along with some of my favourite Microsoft games that are PC only, like the Age of Empires series.

Now I know that some of you will say that Playstation exclusive games like Nioh, Nier, Detroit, Journey, Heavy Rain and Death Stranding have all come or are coming to PC but keep in mind that these are all made by independent developers not owned by Sony. I know some others will say that with services like Xcloud and PS Now you don't even need a PC or Console but personally I can't see streaming games, at least in my country (which seems to have better Internet than most of the Americans here), being viable in the next 3-4 years.

So what I'm trying to say, and this is the TLDR, is that I've already decided which console I'm gonna go with for next gen and it's the Playstation because of their solid track record of amazing games that I can only play on Playstation. I feel like the next 'console war' is over before it even begin.

What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/jasonj2232
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