Playing after campaigns

Hi there !

I'm a frequent player of AOEDE and AOEII, i've been doing so for more or less 10 years now.

After playing over and over the campaigns, over and over multiplayer games, scenarios and stuff, it seems that I'm a little stuck/not that enthuisastic opening the game the same way as I was before. I kinda make the same patterns every time I play. It gets a little boring.

But I don't want to pass on to a new game, it just is the best game for me so far, it would make me sad to leave AOE thinking I got bored of the game of my childhood that kept me staying up all night long.

My goal here is simple, if any of you is really a long-time player/fan of the aoe franchise as I am and is in a situation that looks like mine, I would like to create a post where we could exchange for challenges, new way of playing, share eachother's experience, etc. The overall goal is to share about the different ways we play the game, or how we could find new ways to play it, or some ideas of challenges... ?

I hope i'm clear enough, have a great day :)

submitted by /u/jelepany
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