Question about Unction

For the record I don't play this game at a high level at all and mostly just do comp stomps with friends. I don't really have a big frame of reference for how this game functions when you've got a 1v1 or 2v2 or what have you with people who have been playing for years now and really know what they're doing.

On the Age of Empires wiki a huge number of articles bring up the Spanish Unction card and how impressive it is, sometimes apropos of nothing. The card often times seems to get it's own paragraph in a given article, detailing exactly what it will do and how much better this makes things than any alternatives and so on.

What I'm wondering is if the card is actually that good. On paper it sounds powerful, but it seems incredibly odd to me that it's really the only one specific card that the wiki seems to gush about a lot. I haven't actually played with it myself because I've never really enjoyed playing Spanish. Is it actually good or is this a case of a person on the wiki just really liking Unction?

submitted by /u/CodeOfHamOrRabbi
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