Help for Friends

So I recently convinced two of my friends to play buy DE and get into playing AOE a lot more which has been a lot of fun. We've mostly been playing a lot of team games, 3v3 specifically and I've noticed that our skill levels are fairly disproportionate. Our games usually go one of two ways, I defeat whatever player I'm facing directly which then allows us to get a 2v3 which will eventually lead to victory. Or, the player I'm facing fights me to a standstill/holds me off while my two friends get steamrolled. We've played like 20 or so games and I want to help them improve, but not sound too coachy or criticize them too much.

They both come from playing other RTS games so the switch hasn't been too rough, but they just miss some things that I have pointed out in passing, but they never change so I'm not sure how to help. If anyone has any tips of how to help or advice from helping their friends get better at the game, I'd really appreciate that.

TL- Friends are lower ELO, we play team games and the ELO disparity leads to not competitive games.

submitted by /u/frisbee_guy17
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