To all the old guards here: what other game would you suggest?

I've been playing AoE1/AoE2 since the very early days. Like many of you, hours could be counted by the thousands. Shamburger still gives you goosebumps.

What other games you feel true AoE fans should definitely play? Think of one and explain why.

I will start the discussion with a game I really loved: Urban Assault (from 1998, it's a mixture between RTS and FPS)

The game has a very dark and gloomy atmosphere. It is centered on resources. The sole resource in Urban Assault is energy, which is required to build units and buildings used to conquer other factions.

Plot: it's the future, where ozone depletion, termed The Big Mistake, results in destruction of the ocean's phytoplankton, causing the Earth's food chain to collapse. Scarce food supplies results in a resource war, and plasma formation technology, the ability to form solid constructions using only energy, allows military commanders to create entire armies to subjugate their foes. The technology was leaked to enemy factions, destroying fragile political alliances and launching the planet into a third world war. Citizens are forced into domed communities, which shield them from dangerous levels of UV radiation (to an extent) and filters the toxic air. However, most of the adult population had already consumed contaminated food, and most died within five years - regardless of location, domed or not.

Example gameplay:

submitted by /u/1911z
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