Age of Eurocentrism 2: Definitive Edition

After looking at the new DLC adding Burgundians and Sicilians, we definitely need ATLEAST ALL THE FOLLOWING CIVS added and ONLY for EUROPE!!! For a total of ATLEAST 37 only and only in Europe.

Alans, Armenians, Avars, Bohemians, Bavarians, Croatians, Dutch, Finns, Frisians, Georgians, Hungarians, Normans, Poles, Sicilians, Serbians, Swiss, Vandals, Venetians, Vlachs and Wends

There are not enough European civilizations even now. We need at least 20 more to keep the balance.

There are not enough European civilizations. Period. feelsbadmen :.( feelsDauTmen :.( /s

submitted by /u/parthnan
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