How to beat Hoang wannabes

If you see your opponent has picked Celts always have in your mind that they could be playing a Hoang. Scout them out and see what they're doing, in my experience all the way up to 1600 they mostly just go straight fc, sometimes drush fc. Your job is basically to apply pressure in the very early game and take him off gold then get yourself up to castle age asap. Scout for his forward stable and siege as they always sneak a vill somewhere. Don't make extra TCs, just make knights, spearmen and monks. Generally these players will fall apart as long as you don't play the way they want you to. Just don't go xbows really and you'll be fine

It always amazes me how they get so high but let's stop this being a strategy, it's a waste of time for everyone and for me artificially pushes my rating up because so many people do it

submitted by /u/TheFourthStorm
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