How to spot when you get raided??

I am playing on 1600 elo now and it keeps happening that I have a huge army in my base (mostly in Imp while I am pushing the front) and I just don't realise. What do you do against that? Constant checking of the mini map seems the pro solution but it doesn't feel even close to possible for me to do that often enough.

Afaik, there are different types of getting-attacked-sounds, I think there was a SotL-video about it, but I can't hear the difference during the game, especially when tons of fighting sounds are going on. Is there a way to change those sounds? I am fine with the normal trumpet when my army gets caught somewhere, I will jump to the army anyways, but when my base is under attack, I want something that I WILL DEFINITELY HEAR, like a sirene or whatever, for sure something that is much more different to the normal sound. Is there a mod for that? Is it possible to do one?

It just feels super unfair because it doesn't make sense to not get the information of your base getting destroyed. I realise it's a skill in a multi-tasking game but there IS actually notification for it and it's just impossible (for me) to recognise it. It's so stupid.

Also, is it possible to change the getting attacked flare on the mini map to be bigger and longer there!?

submitted by /u/Umdeuter
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