Do Turks have an answer to Elite War Elephant?

Just played a game where it got to fully boomed post-Imp. I randomed Turks, opponent was Persians. He went full stone wall and boomed into Elite War Elephant and halb. My answer was Hussar spam, some Heavy Camels, and I eventually teched into Champion to kill halbs. (Gold was low and I'm not a fan of Hand Cannoneers). I eventually won due to my better boom, map control, four relics, and hussar raids.

I know that ideally I don't let it get to Elite War Elephant (duh), but Turks aren't exactly a strong early-game civ. In the event that you do have to fight Elite War Elephants as Turks, were my decisions the best possible? My Heavy Camels didn't seem to trade well at all, and thinking about it I doubt they're even cost-effective in terms of gold. I barely won this game even though I collected 25,000 more food than the Persian player, and my K/D was atrocious.

submitted by /u/lmscar12
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