It puzzles me we don't have a politician to incentivize minor natives but instead we have a grandpa for a balloon

I'll create a topic about it later, but minor natives and mercenaries are just too "off" in this game since TAD came out. It's one of the things that frustrates me about the DE. In my mind Minor Natives should always be a possibility on the table, however, the game is so frozen on the same paths that makes them forgotten by the players (and worse: by the devs who decied to polish the game).


REMOVE The Inventor

Seriously. Just why does it even exist? The balloon is a gimmick so situational and particular that creating a Politician just to turn it "less bad" makes me think they didn't have anything else in mind to fill the spot.


ADD a politician to help with minor native

"The Emissary"/"The Translator"/"The Diplomat"/"Whatever the name you can think of":

  • Receives 1 trade post wagon (for settlements only) + trade post that are built on settlements are built 25% faster;
  • "Home city cards about Minor Natives arrive 25% faster" OR "natives techs are researched 25% faster";

When reching the Imperial we could have instead:

"The Emissary"/"The Translator"/"The Diplomat":

  • Receives 1 trade post wagon (for settlements only) + trade post that are built on settlements are built 25% faster;
  • "Home city cards about Minor Natives arrive 25% faster" OR "natives techs are researched 25% faster";
  • Receives a small shipment of natives based upon the map you are playing.


What do you think?

submitted by /u/trier1974
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