Thoughts on how the new civs will play

I know there's been no shortness of opinions on the new civs. However, I wanted to get people's thoughts on how they will be played based on the info we have so far. What do you think they will excel at or struggle against?

I feel like the Burgundians will probably end up being another big knight spam civ (w/ Franks, Slavs, etc.) due to having only the one military bonus (we'll have to see how strong it is). I feel like they may even be big on going for an extended Castle age due to the power of knights along with having all the eco upgrades available. However, I wonder if they could go for something like a big engagement where they sacrifice knights to get the gold back to go imp where they then go into their unique unit. No idea how their techs will play out.

Sicilians are interesting to me as their very unique military bonus could make them strong at many things. I'm guessing they will have a poor calvary tech tree so taking less damage from pikes will probably just make their light cav end up being pretty average. However, it seems that all around they will deal with trash units well. If they end up having FU Arbalest (like Vikings/Japanese) then I'm guessing they will be big on archers, but they could possibly go for some unique compositions depending on the tech tree.

Anyway I wanted to hear people's opinions of how they'll play. I've heard a lot of how OP they may be, or people's opinions of whether or not they like the addition, but I hoped to hear some theories for what the civs will look like when they first are used.

submitted by /u/iimballin
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