Upcoming Celtic civilization for AOM.

God Powers:

  • Luck: The accuracy for units and buildings of selected player is increased by 0,2 or decreased by 0,2 (for enemy).
  • Flaming wheels: similar to Tsunami in TOTD.
  • Illusion: Illusion units looks like normal units, but they have only 1HP and don't have special attack. They disappear in smoke, when they get attacked.
  • Magic Potion: AGE4 GP, attack of players units is increased by 100% and their speed is increased by 50%. Affects both human and myth units.
  • Barrier: it can set up on Town Centers, enemy units can't go throught it. It looks like the energy shield in Star Wars Episode 1.
  • Rebellion: the villagers of the selected enemy player stop working.
  • Curse: cursed units start to lose their HP until they die.
  • Halloween: ghosts attack enemy Town Centers. Ghosts can't be attacked.


  • Druids: Celts will have a similar building to Fire pit in AOE3, but Druids will work on it. They will be similar to egyptian priest, but they will have a build limit.
  • Knights: they turn to heroes from a regular cavalry units, when they kill enough enemy unit. Population count matters.

Myth units:

  • Headless Cavalry
  • Fairy
  • Witch
  • Dobhar-Chu: half dog - half fish
submitted by /u/trollover_
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