Unique Unit Discussion: Samurai

Announcement: Once again filling in for u/ChuKoNoob in creating the weekly unique unit discussion thread, normal service should resume next week afaik.

This week we will be looking at the fastest attacking melee unit in the game and Japanese unique unit: the Samurai.

First, the stats:

Cost: 60F, 30G

Hit Points: 60 (80 elite)

Base Attack: 8 (12 elite)

Base Armor: 1/1

Rate of Fire: 1.45

Speed: 1

Line of sight: 4 (5 elite)

Training Time: 9 seconds

Attack Bonuses: +10 (12 elite) vs unique units, +2 (3 elite) vs eagle warriors, +2 (3 elite) vs standard buildings

Armour Classes: Infantry, Unique unit

Elite Upgrade Cost: 950F, 875G


The Samurai is in many ways similar to the Militia line, which for the Japanese is FU and also attacks 33% faster. In what scenario's taking into account stats, the building they are created in and purpose, would you use Samurai or the Militia line?

With an incredible attack speed and substantial attack bonuses vs unique units (not the Imperial Skirmisher or Camel), the Samurai should tear through lots of other powerful unique units. However many unique units either have longer range, high melee armour, an attack bonus vs infantry or are faster than the Samurai. Which unique units is the Samurai actually a viable/the best available counter to, taking into account the other units available to the Japanese?

The elite upgrade is very expensive, nearly 1k of food and gold each, but provides some substantial stat increases, particularly +20 hp and +4 attack. When should you get this upgrade? How important are the other infantry upgrades for this unit, and when should you get those upgrades relative to the elite upgrade?

If playing against the Japanese, how should you adjust your play-style to take account for the Samurai?

What role does the Samurai play in the Japanese army composition?

The Samurai creates in only 9 seconds before conscription. Does this make any form of a Samurai rush viable? Alternatively, given the very strong Japanese towers with the Yasama UT, and this fast creation speed, should you only make a handful of castles and save the rest of your stone for towers in Imperial age?


Samurai AoE2 Wiki)

Spirit of the Law Japanese Civ Overview

Spirit of the Law Samurai vs Champion

Interesting Treb/Samurai combo vs Britons

Japanese Civ Discussion thread

Previous Unique Unit Discussion threads:

Ballista Elephant




Chu Ko Nu



Genoese Crossbow


Jaguar Warrior



Karambit Warrior



Magyar Huszar




Teutonic Knight

Throwing Axeman

Turtle Ship

War Elephant

Woad Raider

submitted by /u/anatarion
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