A reflection on the new Civilzations

When the announcement hit , like many others I read the stats and thought the new civs seemed too overpowered . But thinking about it for the past day and imagining scenarios it may be the opposite in some ways.... Of course the introduction of new mechanics is "fun" and before purchasing DE I was playing AOC on voobly and the Rajas "instant sight" and Khans "Feudal TC" seemed OP as well.

The Burgundians really dont have any advantage until either the late late game or if already dead. The Knight bonus is cost effective but still can be predicted , and without a look at the tech tree they may favor mass over quality. While flemish revolutionaries seems incredible (100+ instant army?) I can only imagine sacrificing your entire eco when its essentially gg and your praying this will level the field....

The sicileans on the other hand have a notable early game bonus (+1 or 2 carry capacity) when upgrading farms. Even then I cant imagine that changing the game , either way they need at least a castle to begin the Sergeant Donjon Zerg rush , then the stone to build them......

I imagine both of these civs favoring FC-> boom and not being too aggressive, but time will tell......

The only thing both of them share is the ability to extend Team games or long drawn out battles , which having a slight edge in could also be held by civs that get gold units for no gold (magyars , malay , Persians ect)

Overall some interesting new strategies and build orders are necessary and im excited

submitted by /u/Daredevilspaz
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