Does anyone else think the new civilizations were poorly chosen (from a historical/cultural perspective)?

Are the Burgundians and Sicilians really so distinct from Franks and Italians that they deserve separate civilizations? Western Europe already has so many civilizations represented. The last few expansions did a great job adding non-European civs while adding some where appropriate (African Kingdoms adding Portuguese in addition to 3 African civs comes to mind).

Saracens, Indians, Slavs are just huge conglomerate civs while Sicily is a tiny island with a population of well under a million in the AOE time period. Burgundy didn't even have a unique language at this time - their language died around the sixth century. 1999's civs basically covered all of western Europe already, the only west europe civs added since then are the Spanish and Portuguese. I really think there are so many better options (Polynesians, split India to Mughals/North India and Tamils or South India, split Slavs to Russia/Poles, split Saracens, Tibetans, etc.)

submitted by /u/nakul2
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