DE really need to fix the crashes and matchmaking

Data from my last 12 TGs played between 29th and 30th.

Team DC/Crash: 1

Enemy DC/Crash: 4

Actually played: 7

Of the 7 games I actually get to play, 3 of them had a huge discrepancy in terms of skill / ELO. Out of 12 games, only 4 were competitive. I won 9 out of 12 games, got +150 ELO... and to be fair, I actually only won 2 competitive games. My ELO differential should have been 0.

May sound pety or silly to make a post like this, but I have invested ~10 hours to play those 12 games. Due to isolation I have spare time, but on a regular week, that would be most of my free time for the whole week. DE would have lost a player.

Side note: most replays are broken. Tried to rewatch the 2 last games I actually played and both get interrupted halfway for some reason.

submitted by /u/tybjj
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