estimated feudal attack and defend timing

These times are estimates only looking at a couple of games. So, they might be a bit off. "Defend" time is of first unit out (which is reasonable for archer against men-at-arms, not so much for archer against scouts). Attack arrives is when in enemy base, in reasonable numbers (3 scouts or 3 men-at-arms or 6 archers). Obviously time of attack varies with distance to opponent.

Slightly different build order might shift by 25 seconds if skip loom or add or skip a vill in dark age.

Comparing times shows windows of opportunity for unit conflicts (how long you have to do damage before the enemy units are out to defend).

I think it would be interesting to plot military production times with resources committed. I suspect, looking at that type of plot, that men-at-arms would fare poorly against a douche (because of the early resources committed to a barracks).

Strategy defend attack arrives
Lith insta drush 1:51 4:30
douch YOLO 8:33
towers 8:56 8:56
early drush 7:36 9:35
drush 7:57 9:57
men-at-arms 8:05 10:25
men-at-arms towers 8:45 11:05
mongol scouts 10:35 11:35
scouts 11:00 12:00
tati archer rush 11:11 13:11
2-range archers 12:10 14:10

Hopefully the times that I put in aren't too far off.

submitted by /u/TripRichert
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