Why is the ladder so messed up it makes it almost unenjoyable to play

Due to the lockdown ive finally got to play DE and play rank for the first time and it makes me miss HD matchmaking so much. I was never any good at this game i can play a couple civs well, know a couple build orders, my marco is good micro not so much, and i peaked at 1800 on HD and usually floated low 1700 high 1600 but atleast in HD i knew what kind of player I would be against when i could see their elo. I knew if i was facing a 1600-1800 player id would atleast be competitive and fun but ive just started playing rank in DE and im on like a 7 lost streak against players i know for a fact are much better than me. I thought that after losing that much elo id atleast finally be able to play against players my skill level but nope still paired agaisnt people that stomp me. I have no problem playing against better players but when every game im on the back foot or locked in my base its super unenjoyable to play. Im even watching the replays to try and improve myself but im also watching their side and their macro and mirco is much better than mines. Its like majrity of games im paired against someone who is way better than me and when im not im paired against players way worst than me ive played like maybe 25 ranked games and in those 25 maybe 3-4 of them were competitive games against people i felt were my skill level. Worst part is i cant even play 2v2s with my friends like in HD. Que times in 1v1s are like 1-2mins but when we que as a duo average que time goes up to like 10mins we had one where it took like 16mins to find a game. Sorry I just had to find a place to rant its super frustrating because age is one of my favorite games, i spent so many hours on HD and for the most part ive loved what they have done with DE but the matchmaking is so awful.

submitted by /u/aszma
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