Do devs need money to fix bugs? What can we do to make bugfix faster?

Just a quick question, since the game is so cheap and has an online mode and no in-game purchases. What would motivate the team to work "faster"? Who do I send money to??

Every week with bugs is another week of people leaving the game, getting mad, trying other RTS or simply moving to a MOBA/FPS. Age 2 playerbase is not that huge already, at my rank I struggle to find games in south america, (around 10 to 15 min) and usually get paired against opponents way worse than me, and im not even in top 300 yet.

For devs:

I changed starcarft for age2 because its less APM and more strategy (or maybe equal strategy, but no need to spam keyboard 300 hotkeys per minute), but this state of the game is really sad. I know there are over 35k online on Steam + unknown how many online from microsoft ID and if you search the complains here have 30~150 upvotes, so is a really tiny part of the playerbase that talks about the game or even bother complaining, but we are the most die hard fans I assure you devs we are, we care so much we spend precious time writing about it. please consider this and do something, Im really in love with AOE2DE, but the worries will make me go back to SC2 soon. Please keep me in your game, I would like that very much. Thank you.

submitted by /u/bekindmorekind
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